Identify your core values

When we started Hearth&Sea we were exhausted and done with how things had been. We rented a cottage in a small Yorkshire village and we began to figure out what we wanted. Whatever Hearth&Sea grows into, whatever it is we end up offering everything needs to be firmly rooted in our core values. This was clear from the start, so we had to figure out what those values were.

We knew straight away that we no longer wanted to be amongst the half a million people in the UK who suffer from work related stress, often leading to eventual burnout. We don’t want you to be either.

Since the Industrial Revolution it seems our society has been on the harder, better, faster, bigger treadmill. Never getting off until we fall off. It’s easy to do, it’s what’s generally presented to us as the norm. But there is another way, a counter side. It’s something softer and quieter, but it’s growing to be more than a whisper; we’re joining in with its song. We want a quiet life. A simple life, a slower life. A life where rest is appreciated, valued and greeted with open arms. Not shied away from as a sign of weakness.

We’ve realised there is more to being human than striving to achieve impossibly high markers of success, and beating ourselves up when we don’t. We’ve realised there are other things that humans need. Other things we can give ourselves, and you.

And those values needed to reflect all of the above. So, over steaming cups of tea and copious crumpets we teased out our values. The backbone of all that Hearth&Sea is and will become.

Our Hearth&Sea values are

Rest – honouring this as a vital human need, essential to living a creative life.

Simplicity – ‘innovation through the old’, returning to a simpler way of being in the world. Living seasonally, in tune with nature and being content with what we have.

Authenticity – being honest with ourselves, and with each other, Encouraging a way of living that allows each and every one of us to honour our own values.

Connection – building community as well as connecting with the natural world. Seeing the interconnectedness in all that we do.

Curiosity – always living with a playful, curious mind. Being open to adventure (big or small), seeing through the eyes of a child and being open to magic in the everyday.

Openness – moving, being and thinking in a way that is open rather than closed. Seeing ourselves and our lives as fluid, adaptable and flexible. Relishing the idea that nothing is fixed in place.

These values will guide everything that we do as Hearth&Sea. They’re ways of thinking and being in the world that we think make happier, healthier and more creative humans.

What are your core values?

 This isn’t a question we generally get asked in our society, and we think that’s wrong. Travelling through life without values is like sailing a ship without a sail or any clue where you’re going. Your values become your sail, your compass, stars and anchor. Sure, we can use the values society pushes on us – buy more, be more, do more, earn more – but when we stop to consider it most of us will find these don’t reflect our true beliefs or needs.

Take some time to consider what your values are, and then see how you can allow your life to reflect those.


Set a timer, 15 – 30 minutes is good, and ask yourself what your values are. Good things to consider to help you identify them are times when you got really angry, or times you felt very passionate. These emotions help show us what we care about. Journal, visualise or go for a walk and see what comes up for you. And remember, this can take time. It took us a good few weeks to decide on our Hearth&Sea values. Plus, always remember your values can change as you grow.